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Banishing Spell
Banish Negative Energy, Toxic People, Bullies, Abusers, And more. Removes the problem without causing harm.
Im offering here a banishing spell. To remove all negativity, anyone you dont want in your life will be removed and banishing anything bad upon you done.. I cast this ritual myself daily. I do not ship unless client contacts me first before they purchase the item and requests shipping, but all rituals I do myself!
These are done twice once at new moon and another at full moon. I have done so many of these and have had amazing results with many clients!!! key is you must also have faith and believe in the situation that it will change for the better!!! So two step process here for all to fall thru!! blessings an much love and light
Banishing Spell for a Negative Person
The influence that a negative person can have on your life goes beyond the way they make you feel. Being around a lower vibrational person lowers your own vibration. If you’re goal is personal and spiritual growth, the negative people in your life will begin to stand out prominently.
With a banishing spell, you can create the conditions for a negative to pass through your life, or for you to become protected from their influence.
What You’ll Need
Dried Sage
A photo of the person you wish to banish
If possible, any artifacts with the person’s own handwriting or signature
Pen and paper
Black candle and matches
Cauldron or other fire safe container
black tourmaline, black obsidian, smokey quartz, or another protection stone or totem
Magic herb mixes or potions (optional)
Banishing Spell for a Negative Person
Create a sacred space by smudging yourself and your room with with the dried sage.
Write your petition paper. Include the person’s full name and write: “I banish X from my life. I banish X from having negative feelings towards me,” and any other specific actions you would like to banish this person from.
Dress your candle and petition paper with your herb mixes and potions (optional)
Fold your petition paper in half, then in half again, folding away from you.
Light the black candle
Hold your petition paper and totem at your heart and close your eyes. Visualize your life without this person’s negativity and what that feels like. Once you have a sense of this, blow your intention into the petition paper.
Light your petition paper with the flame from your candle. Burn your paper completely in the fire safe container.
End with a prayer of gratitude for this person’s negative influence being out of your life.
If possible, let your candle burn all the way down in a safe location.
Carry your stone or totem for at least 3 weeks